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Our Purpose and Mission

Breaking New Ground Ministries  Vision 

 To stimulate spiritual growth through preaching and teaching the principles of God's Word and to establish faith and hope for families and the community.

Foundational Scripture Hosea 10:12 

 "Sow to yourselves in righteousness, reap in mercy, break up your fallow ground:  for it is time to seek the Lord, till he comes and rains righteousness upon you."



BNG  is a non-denominational church that is open to people of any religious background. We endeavor to follow the pattern of worship and living as laid out in the New Testament. Our focus is on helping people become who God created them to be.  At BNG,  Worship is a celebration of our relationship with the living God.  Therefore, worship should be lively and passionate.  Our music style is contemporary and from the heart.  Our goal is to communicate our love for God,  We look forward to fellowshipping  with you soon and remember you will be amazed once you've experience  BNG,


BNG was birth out of a calling from God to Pastor James Ferguson.  It was a call to Shepherd God's people. The call came long  before there was ever a building assigned. God called this ministry to be housed in the sanctuary  located in Acres Home community, a very familiar area, where there is a great need to be the light of hope & Salvation.

We have seen some come and others go;  but never have we seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging for bread (Psalm 37:25b). The vision has been written and made plain (Habakkuk 2:2) and now we are going through the birth pains of waiting on the Lord to add to the Church daily such as should be saved (Acts 2:47). We are focused and diligent and in constant prayer to God, so that we do not become prey for the enemies using.​

We are determined to be Kingdom Builders. This ministry is here to stimulate growth through preaching and teaching the principles & precepts of the Word of God,  We are here to establish faith and hope for families as a living testimony. We have come this far by Faith and we will not turn back now!

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